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  Employer Resources > Submit A Job Posting

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 Position  Information
Find A Job Canada was created to provide a cost effective recruitment solution for organizations of all sizes. Our flat rate of $15 per job posting makes us an affordable option for everyone.Find A Job Canada was created to provide a cost effective recruitment solution for organizations of all sizes.


Job / Position Title:    
  Company Name:   If you wish to keep your company name confidential, enter "Confidential" here.
Company URL: http://  ie:
  City/Town:   The location (city or town) in which the job opening applies. This is NOT where your head office is located but rather where the new employee will be located. We only accept single locations.
Job Description:  
  Job Type:  
 Resume Submission Options
Mailing Address:  
  E-mail Address:  
  Fax Number:  
Application URL: http:// Use this to direct applicants to your online job application.
Posting Cut-off Date:  
Click here to select Cut-off date When a date is not specified, the posting will reside on our site for 30 days.
Jobs may remain on the site for a maximum of 60 days.
 Contact Information
This information is for internal use only - to be used if clarification of a posting is required.
Find-A-Job-Canada will not sell, rent, or otherwise distribute contact information gathered from this website.
  Contact Name:    
Company Name:   Not required if the same as above. If you entered "Confidential" in the Company Name field above, please enter your company name here.
  E-mail Address:  
  Phone Number:  
Coupon Code:  
How did you hear  
about our service:  
Find-A-Job-Canada reserves the right to not publish positions which we deem inappropriate.
Automatically excluded job postings include:
- ads appearing to be get-rich quick schemes, scams, or multi-level marketing
- ads which require the applicant to pay a fee to apply


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